What is Manny-Qt?

Why should I use Manny-Qt?

Manny-Qt is a collection of free applications for the computer based judging for artistic cycling competition. It contains the modules for the Chief as well as for the Announcing and Writing Commissaire.

Manny-Qt was designed to be used

Therefore is should be possible for everybody to organize and execute artistic cycling competitions.
Enjoy this wonderful kind of sports!

Table of contents

Which requisites do I need?

     needed amount hardware
     minimum hardware requirements

     Operating system
     Applicationsoftware - Manny-Qt

     general overview
     network architecture
     network check
     error analyses

   What is MannyNetMon for?
   How can MannyNetMon help?

Chief (Obmann)
  How to start the Chief application (Obmann)?
     How to get the evaluation sheets?
  How does the Chief work?
     What is the difference between 'Finalize' und 'Abort'?
     How can I stop the time?
         How can I configure the clock?
     How do I select a competitor?
     How can I synchronize the start at multiple areas?
     How can I get the rider names?
     How can I select exercises?
     How can I observe the judgements?
     How can I correct a judgement?
     How can I access the regulation?
     Where can I found the sheets?

  Which properties can I change?
     How can I enter the jury?
     How to define the workflow at competitor change?
     How to enter the competition?
     Which other properties can I change?

  How to solve problems?

Writer (Kampfrichter.exe)
  How to start the Writer application
  Which properties can I change?
  How can I judge?
      How can I select exercises?
      How can I do devaluation?
      How can I finalize the judgement ?
  How to solve problems?

Scoreboard (Anzeige.exe)
   How to start the application?
      Command line parameter
   What will be displayed?
   Which points are displayed?
   Which properties can I change?
   How to add a logo
   How to adjust the dimension?
   What happens during coffee break?
   How to configure an external application?

   How to start the Infoterminal?
      Command line parameter
   Which properties can I change?
   How to adjust the dimension?
    What happens during coffee break?
How does the Liveticker works?

Tips und Tricks (Manny)
  How to connect organizing office and chief?
  What may happen during 'connect'?
   How to reduce the amount of needed PCs?
      omit the scoreboard PC
      minimal configuration
   How to use voice as audible indicator?

Tips und Tricks (Betriebssystemeistellungen)
     Wie kann ich den Rechnernamen eingeben/ändern
     Wie kann ich eine feste IP-Adresse vergeben/ändern?
     Wie richte ich einen erweiterten Desktop ein?
     Wie kann ich den Ordner für das Wettkampfbüro freigeben?
     Wie richte ich einen Netzwerkdrucker ein?

   Overview of used PC's
   Usage of borrowed PC's

Which requisites do I need?


needed amount hardware

The following hardware is needed for the execution of a competition: For small competitions it is possible the minimize the hardware as described in chapter Tips und Tricks.  

minimum hardware requirements

Manny-Qt was developed on the oldest possible operating system and at reused hardware. The tests were performed on different system versions as well as on different hardware. 

So there should be a big availability (with current status of technology) with low hardware requirements. Nevertheless the following minimum requirements must be fulfilled:

CPU: Intel: Pentium® -M, 4 or newer
AMD: Opteron, Athlon 64 or newer
RAM: min. 256 MB
Harddisc: 100 MB free space
Display: min. 800x600 resolution, 1024x768 recommended

note: If you run multiple applications on one PC you need at least more memory.


Operating system

As operation system either Windows from WindowsXP or Linux from Kernelversion 3.13 (Ubuntu 14.04) are supported. Additionally the following configurations are necessary:

The configuration can be verified by MannyNetMon.  In case of necessary changes please follow the links.

Applicationsoftware - Manny-Qt

The Manny-Qt  distribution contains all necessary files and libraries, to ensure minimal influence to you operation system as well as to have minimal dependencies from it.
For the exchange of the information between to components network access is required. Therefore you should either switch of your firewall or permit Manny-Qt to access the network.

Manny-Qt was designed to have maximal system independence and system integrity.
Every input of the writing commisaire is stored in a local database and additionally transmitted to the Chief. The Chief stores all information in an additional database. So the whole judgement is present and recoverable even if a PC crashes during execution!

The application disallow the modification of a judged evaluation sheet. The correction of a judgement is only possible is the corresponding writing commisaires PC.


general overview

Manny-Qt was designed:

Based on these design  personal 'borrowed' computers may be used easily.

Important notice:
Manny used the hostname of the PCs to  differentiate them. Therefore all PCs must have different hostnames!

network architecture

The picture below shows the standard network architecture, needed for two riding areas with two judging groups. Depending on the location, the display components may be connected to the switch near the judging groups.


Alternatively WLAN may be used.
Please check the WLAN availability before the competition at the planed location!
There may be sources of disturbance!

Important notice:
If your computers uses automatic network (IP) configuration, one of the switches must act as DHCP-server to provide the needed IP-addresses. (I myself use my old DSL-router for this)

Different components of Manny can run on the same PC, so it is possible to reduce the amount of needed Hardware. see Tips and tricks for further information.

network check

After installing the network infrastructure (see 'network architecture') you can switch on the PCs. If the Operation System is ready, please login.

If it is the initial usage of this hardware setup, you should test the infrastructure first. For this, start the 'MannyNetMon' on all PCs. On success, all PCs shall be listed at all MannyNetMon.

Now startup the needed Manny-Qt-applications in the following order:

  1. the organization office (if used)
    activate (change to) the 'execution' screen
after that per area:
  1. the judging application(s) (Kampfrichter)
  2. the chief (Obmann)
  3. the Display (Anzeige) and/or the Infoterminal (if used)
If all components for an area are started, all connection states (lower right corner) shall be displayed in green color for all corresponding applications (at all corresponding applications).

error analyses

If not all connections are available (green state), you should start the MannyNetMon at the PCs marked as 'red'.


What is MannyNetMon for?

Initially the MannyNetMon was the prototype to test and develop the network interface. Nowadays it is a good tool to analyze everything the network.
In the main area all detected Manny-applications are listed, sorted by area.
So you have a quick overview of the whole system.

The monitor may be started at any time, even if the competition is ongoing. (e.g. to analyze problems)

How can MannyNetMon help?

The MannyNetMon not only shows the connection state for all applications, it also allows to display the (local) PCs netwerk settings.

If you press the [details] - Button, the following additional information are available:

  1. the Hostname 1 (behinde the '@' char)
  2. the detected network interfaces 2 of this PCs including there state
    grün - the interface is used by Manny
    gelb - the interface is only available inside this PC
    rot - the interface is unusable (for Manny)

    If you click on an interface name 2 the detailed information for this are displayed in section 3.
  3. the detailed View 3 includes: 
    • the state
      (already included in the coloring)
    • the IP-Addresse
    • the type of the interfaces (LAN/WLAN)

If the desired interface is marked as red, there maybe one of the following reasons:

If you press the [statistics] - Button, advanced information about the Manny internal communication are shown.
There are statistical values of all Manny components. Critical values are marked in red.

In the example the processing time 1 of Jury_1 for messages from it's Chief is too high.

Therefore the chief retransmits some messages 2. This leads to transmission delay 3.

The statistic is very helpfull for insiders.
in general:

If there are many resend, but the processing delay is low, than there are problems inside the network.

Chief (Obmann.exe)

How to start the Chief application?

The Chief application is responsible for the selection and transmission of the evaluation sheets to the writing commisaires.
During the judgement the Chief application collects all devaluations of all corresponding writing commisaires. It calculates the resultant actual points and forward these to the scoreboards.
Despite the central role, a running judgement can be finished even if this application crashed (of course without updating the scoreboards)

At startup the application requests all necessary information in the required order. These are in detail:
  1. The verification of the database for existing judgement (e.g. from previous competitions).
    If no evaluations found, only this information appears.
    If there are judgements or evaluation sheets found, a summary of the competition(s) is displayed.

    If you don't want to continue, a additional popup appears. There you have oppportunity to save the old data first..

    If the data are from today, then 'Yes' is assumed as default, otherwise 'No'.

    Never start a new competition without deleting the old data first!
    Judged evaluation sheets can't be modified, therefore you won't receive any data for the new competition.

  2. The amount of juries.
    This value can be changed at menu 'Chief' - 'Jury' at any time.
  3. The configuration of the workflow at competitor change.
    A detailed description of the options can be found HERE.
  4. The way you receive the evaluation sheets.

    In most of all cases this application will be used together with an organization office either Buero of Manny-Qt or  Petr Sveja.
    If you choose 'manual import', you have to import the evaluation sheets an to select a printer to printout the devaluated sheets later on.

  5. Connect

    Finally you have to select the riding area.
    Additional information and possible errors are described in chapter Tips und Trick .

    The connection can be changed at menu 'File' - 'Connect'.

How to get the evaluation sheets?

If you are using the organizing office module of Manny, the evaluation sheets will be transmitted automatically.
If not, or if you don't use the office, you can import the needed evaluation sheets directly.
  1. To import data manually, open the menu 'File'-Import'. This will open a dialogue window. Here you can choose format and name of the file, you want to import.
    supported formats:

  2. The imported evaluation sheet does not contain a starting number. Therefore the following dialogue will be opened to enter the starting number.
    If the import data contain competitors who does not take part at your competition, you can skip the import with the Cancel button.

    Be aware to assign unique starting numbers, otherwise data will be overwritten.

How does the Chief work?

In the upper part of the window 1 the application type and the assigned riding area is displayed. (These are the values chosen in the connect dialog).
Below this the current selected start number 2 and 3 the data of the selected competitor are displayed. The background of the competitor name is colored (red/green) like the visual start signal of the scoreboard.
In the upper right corner 4 the stopwatch is located. The Chief is responsible to maintain the time. This time is propagated to the scoreboard and to all judges of this area.
The current evaluation sheet is displayed in table 5. The names of the riders are not displayed in the main window because of safe space. But at every change of the competitor a popup shows the information about the riders.
How you can change the competitor is described later on.

The judgement of the judging groups are displayed in the judging area 5. In the left grey part the exercise names are displayed. In the white part (right part) the judgement will be displayed. The current selected exercise is marked with a blue background.

The end of the allowed riding time will be signalized as follows:

You can mark an exercise (e.g. for later consultation) by clicking with the mouse on it. An additional click removes the marking.

In the middle right part 6 the possible keyboard shortcuts are listed. The shortcuts can be switch by the 'Properties' - 'keyboard layout' menu.
Below this list the buttons 7 for the following functions are located:
Interruption of the judgement because of an injured rider or technical defect. The competitor may continue at a later point in time.

The writer have to finalize the judgement as under normal conditions!

The preliminary result of an interrupted judgement won't be published at the ranking list.

The competitor is omitted with Attest.
The competitor is cancelled.

Below this, the current resulting points 8 are shown, followed by 9 the names of the von Announcer and Writer.
The name and date of the current competition 10 is shown in the lower left corner. The connection state 11 to the associated judging groups, scoreboard and the organizing office is signified in the lower right corner. If any connection is shown in red, you should inform your IT commissaire or follow the notices for errorhandling.

At the right side 12 are also some special buttons :

 Open the online regulation. A detailed description can be found HERE
Pressing this toggle button suppresses the update of the scoreboard.
This is useful if greater differences between the judging groups need to be discussed and corrected.
The coffee break toggle button
  • prevent unwanted input
  • switches the  scoreboard to 'pause' mode (to display the ranking list are start alternative actions)
During the coffee break judging input is impossible, but all functions reachable by the menu are still available. So you can e.g. enter the names of the next judging group during the break.

The following table shows the keyboard shortcuts, depending on the selected layout.
Action Manny-
keyboard layout
keyboard layout
start the stopwatch (if stopped) S T
stop the stopwatch (if running) S P
Request finalization A A
finalize and publish result F Z
change competitor W S
visual signal red R R
visual signal green G G
allow correction Menü - Chief O

The keyboard shortcuts can be switch between Manny and Kuwett by the 'Properties' - 'keyboard layout' menu.

What is the difference between 'Finalize' und 'Abort'?

A finalize judgement will be publish as finalized result with yellow background and additionally with the current rank on the scoreboard. Finalized results are added to the ranking list.
Aborted (Break button) judgement are neither displayed with yellow background nor added to the ranking list.  

How can I stop the time?

The stopwatch is located in the upper right corner 4 of the Chief application window. You can start and stop the clock by clicking with the mouse. The clock will be stopped automatically, if:

At the beginning you can find the button for the Start of the clock 1. When the clock runs, this button will be the stopp-button.

The description of configuration possibilities 2 you can find on the right.

When you stop the clock, you either have the option to continue the time 3 (e.g. after a fall), or reset the clock 4.

How can I configure the clock?

When you click on the clock (top right) you have the opportunity to configure the clock:


You have the following opportunities:

  1. Turn the minute-sound on or off
  2. Choose the start-time (when you forgot to start the time at the beginning)
  3. Start the clock with the present time.
  4. Choose the minute-signal:
    - 'beep' a pipe-sound
    - '.wav' voice-output

How do I select a competitor?

The competitor can only be changed, if no judgement is active. So finalize the last judgement first!
The next competitor can be selected by pressing the 'Change Sheet' shortcut. If it is necessary to select an out-of-order sheet, click at the short triangle near the start number 2. This opens the list of all present start numbers, select the needed one there.

How can I synchronize the start at multiple areas?

Depending on your workflow settings the synchronization dialog will appear (or not) immediately after the competitor was changed successfully.
In the upper part, the current state of all areas are displayed.
  • red not ready (yet) - visual start signal red
  • yellow ready to start
  • green start already allowed - visual start signal green
  • white unknown (not present)
You can set your own state with the buttons below. This information will be propagated to all other Chief applications.
Red and green also directly set the visual start signal at your scoreboard.

How can I get the rider names?

The detailed list of the riders is not displayed at the main window, to save space. The list will automatically appear after a successful change of the competitior.
You can open the list at every time at menu  'Chief' - 'riders'.

How can I select exercises?

Under normal conditions the selection of the current exercise follows the selection done by the judgment groups.
Alternative you can change the selection of different exercises with the keyboard. Use the 'down' or 'up' cursor-button.

How can I observe the judgements?

The detailed judgement of all groups is displayed in ther judging area 5. Below this area, the summary of the devaluation per group is shown.
Additionally the current resulting points are displayed at 8. The background color signals the state of the judgement.
  • grey - no judgement (yet)
  • white - judgement active
  • yellow - judgement finalized
  • orange - competitor marked as attest/missing/interrupted

The application is able to detect significant deviations between the judging groups.
The menu 'Properties' - 'Judgement Comparison' allow to configure if and when the check is performed.

Significant deviations between the judging groups (percent, tactical extention, circle) are marked by color.

color criteria:
Judgement Alert Warning normal
percent 100 vs. 0 100 vs. 10
100 vs. 50
50 vs. 0
50 vs. 10 10 vs. 0
cicle n vs. 0 different  
taktical n vs. 0 different  

How can I correct a judgement?

As long as the chief did not finalize the judgement, you can reopen the judgement for the judging groups.
If there are significant deviations it might be necessary to correct a judgement. If the corresponding writer already finalized his judgement, you can allow the correction as follows.

Choose menu 'Chief' - 'Correct' and select the jury.

After the correction, the jury need to finalize the judgement again.

If the Chief finalized the judgement, than you have to proceed as follow: You will be informed about the present judgement. Agree the necessary correction.
Afterwards the sheet and the whole judgement is distributed to the juries.

How can I access the regulation?

The Chief has direct access to the exercise descriptions and to the UCI protocols.
Simply select the exercise, you want to have information about, with the cursor keys. Press the regulation button afterwards.

The regulation browser will appear. This contains the whole descriptions. Normally the selected exercise should be displayed.

The exercise descriptions are display in the main part 1 of the browser. The buttons below 2 navigate the the general description and general devaluation section of the regulation.

The ComboBox in the lower left corner offers access to the UCI-protocols 3.

The upper part of the window offers browser functionality:
4 navigate forward/backward
5 full-text search

Where can I found the sheets?

The 'normal' workflow of the printout depends on the setup, xou chose on startup Nevertheless in both cases the 'original' devaluation is still available at the Chief. A PDF-Dokument 'nnn.pdf' (where nnn is the start number) of all judged sheets is stored in the subfolder 'Wertungen' below the installation directory.

Additionally the necessary functionality to generate the documents is available in the  Printdialog, (menu - File - print). This is very useful in case of any problems.
It is possible to generate:
  • the sheets
  • the start- and ranking list
for the single area
The Chief has known only the data of it's area. Therefore the ranking list will be wrong, if  the competitors of a discipline are on multiple areas!

Which properties can I change?

How can I enter the jury?

The count and the names of the juries (announcer + writer) may be set at any time.
Select the Menu 'Properties' - 'Jury'  oder 'Chief' - 'Jury'.
  • Count allows to change the count of juries
  • Names open a dialog to enter the names

    The new names are used starting with the next judgement.

How to define the workflow at competitor change?

The workflow configuration can be defined at startup of the application. It can be changed at any time by  Menu Obmann - Arbeitsablauf.

If option 1 is activated, the dialog to enter the jury names will be opened at discipline changes. This option is active by default you should disable it, if you does not change the jury during the competition.

If option 2 is activated, the synchronization dialog will be opened every time you changed the competitor successfully. This option is disable by default you should activate it, if you want to synchronize the starts at the riding areas.

If option 3 is activated, the dialog displaying the rider names will be shown after the start signal (green visual signal) was given. This option is active by default you should disable it, if the chief is not responsible for the license control.

How to enter the competition?

The data of the competition (name, date etc.) can be changed at anytime.
Select Menu 'Properties' - 'Competition' to open the  corresponding dialog and enter the data.

The new values get active for the next - not the yet active - judgement.

Which other properties can I change?

The Menu 'Properties' offers the possibility to change the following properties:

How to solve problems?

During the execution the following problems may occur:
  1. finalize the judgment at the juries PCs and print the judgement there (see note for transmission problems above).
  2. exchange the PC and connect the new one to the network (wait until the connection is established)
  3. start the chief application and wait until all sheets are transmitted from the organization office
  4. Enter the printed judgement as 'hand evaluation' at the organization office (otherwise it aoun't be added to the ranking list)
Ask your IT-commisaire.

Writer (Kampfrichter.exe)

How to start the Writer application

The Writer application is responsible for the devaluations the current competitor. Below this the current selected start number 2 and 3 the data of the selected competitor are displayed. The background of the competitor name is colored (red/green) like the visual start signal of the scoreboard.

At startup the application requests all necessary information in the required order. These are in detail:

  1. The verification of the database for existing judgement (e.g. from previous competitions).
    If no evaluations found, only this information appears.
    If there are judgements or evaluation sheets found, a summary of the competition(s) is displayed.

    If you don't want to continue, a additional popup appears. There you have oppportunity to save the old data first..

    If the data are from today, then 'Yes' is assumed as default, otherwise 'No'.

    Never start a new competition without deleting the old data first!
    Judged evaluation sheets can't be modified, therefore you won't receive any data for the new competition.
  2. Connect
    Finally you have to select the riding area and the jury number.
    Additional information and possible errors are described in chapter Tips und Trick.

    The connection can be changed at menu 'File' - 'Connect'.

Which properties can I change?

The Menu 'Properties' offers the possibility to change the following properties:

How can I judge?

In the upper part of the window 1 the application type and the assigned riding area and the jury number are displayed. (These are the values chosen in the connect dialog).
Below this the current selected start number 2 and the data of the selected competitor are displayed. The background of the start number is colored (red/green) like the visual start signal of the scoreboard. The necessary evaluation will be selected and transmitted by the chief. The writer can't select a evaluation sheet.
In the upper right corner 3 the stopwatch is located. It is only shown, because he Chief is responsible to maintain the time.

The judgement can be done in the judging area 4. In the left grey part the exercise names are displayed. In the white part (right part) the judgement will be displayed. The current selected exercise is marked with a blue background.

The end of the allowed riding time will be signalized as follows: You can mark an exercise (e.g. for later consultation) by clicking with the mouse on it. An additional click removes the marking.

In the middle right part 5 the possible keyboard shortcuts are listed. The shortcuts can be switch by the 'Properties' - 'keyboard layout' menu.
Below this additional information are displayed to inform about necessary actions at the end of the judgement. (see How can I finalize the judgement ).

Below this, the  6 the names of the Announcer and Writer are displayed.

The Print-button 7 allows to printout the finalized judgement. Use this only, if the network connection to the Chief is lost.
The name and date of the current competition 8 is shown in the lower left corner. In the right corner  9  the connection state to the chief is monitored. If the connection is shown in red, you should inform your IT commissaire or follow the notices for errorhandling.

How can I select exercises?

You can change the selection of different exercises with the keyboard. Use the 'down' or 'up' cursor-button.

How can I do devaluation?

You always do devaluations for the selected exercise!

To make devaluation at the selected exercise, click the relevant key of the devaluation.  You can see the keys of  devaluation at the right site of the evaluation-window. Currently the  keyboard layouts of Manny and Kuwett are supported by MannyTraining.

To make several devaluations, press the respective key more times. You can see the count of the devaluation (or percent) in the respective column.

If you make to much devaluations and want to correct this, click:

and additionally the correspondingly devaluations-key.

In the following table you can see the keys, you have to use.

devaluation Manny-keyboard Kuwett-keyboard
X   Q F6
wave   W F8
line   E F10
circle   R F12
percent   L F4
tactical   K F2
undo(additionally to the devaluation)  <shift> <Ctrl> (Control)

To switch the keyboard-layout, click the 'Properties'-button in main windows. Than you can switch between Manny and Kuwett. Of course, the Manny keyboard-layout is preselected.

How can I finalize the judgement?

When you press 'cursor-down' after the last exercises of the evaluation-sheet, you will see on the right bottom (below the keyboard layout) the note to finish the evaluation-sheet. 

You did devaluation for all exercises. You can finish the evaluation by clicking the button between ' '.  press '->'
to finish
The evaluation is finished.
You cannot do inputs anymore.
evaluation finished
The request to finish the judgement.
note: This message won't appear, if you already finished the judgement.
Please finish judgement
The judgement was finalized by the chief.
This message may also appear, if the chief switched to an other competitor.
evaluation finalized

If the evaluation is finished, no more inputs are possible!
If you need to correct something, the chief needed to allow the correction.

How to solve problems?

During the execution the following problems may occur:

Ask your IT-commisaire.

Scoreboard (Anzeige.exe)

The Scoreboard application is responsible for the presentation of the current competitor including the current points to the audience. During a break either the current ranking list or an alternative application (e.g. a presentation) can be displayed.

How to start the application

The scoreboard always starts with 'Klara Kunstrad' and the clock running.
As soon as the chief application is running and a competitor is selected there, these data are displayed.
The only necessary input is the selection of the riding area.
Additional information and possible errors are described in chapter Tips und Trick.

The connection can be changed by the context menu 'Connect'.

Command line parameter

The following command line parameter are available:

What will be displayed?

In the upper left part:
  1. the discipline
  2. the start number
  3. the submitted points

The start number is also used as visual start signal (red/green indicator).

In the upper right part, the 4 stopwatch is shown. The background of the watch changes to yellow 15 seconds before the end of the riding time.

Below this 5 the competitor name is displayed.

The next row 6 depends on the selected options. Normally the current points are displayed, but if evaluation is disabled, the name of the club is shown.

The 7 Progressbar (hidden by default) indicates the count of shown exercises vs. submitted.
The lower area 8 at first the result of the last competitor is shown. After 2 minutes the current ranking (next better) of the current discipline is displayed.

Which points are displayed?

The scoreboard offers some opportunities for the displayed points.

As default the current points are displayed. The current point are calculated as submitted points minus the devaluations. 

In case of increasing evaluation the points are calculated as sum of all yet performed exercises minus the devaluations.
In practice the points starts with '0'. After every performed exercise the points are added and the devaluations are subtracted. This leads to a increasing result - a positive judgement.

In case of Results with factors the current points are scaled with the discipline depending factor. This option is useful for all competitions, where all disciplines are calculated as one (e.g. Weinpreis).
In the mode, the initial points are equal to the submitted once (not scaled). After the first judgement or after the start of the stopwatch the scaled points are displayed. The scaled points are marked by a * before and after the value:

* 233,67 *

Additionally the ranking list in the lower area is also scaled and the next best over al disciplines based on the scaling is displayed.

The factors must be defined at the organizing office (see 'Options' - 'Factors').

Which properties can I change?

In contrast to the other applications the scoreboard does not have a menubar. Therefore the following menu pops up if you click with the right mouse button on the window.
You have the possibility to:
  • switch between full-screen and window mode
  • change the assigned riding area (connect)
  • configure to style (see style sub-menu below)
  • configure an additional logo (see logos below)
  • configure the displayed points
  • configure an external application started during a break (e.g. PowerPoint or Diashow)
The style sub-menu allow to change:
  • the Font (character Font + size)
  • Fore- and background color
  • Font color for green/red light
The application does not check, if the visual indicator (green/red) and the finalization (yellow) are still noticeable.
An additional logo, based on:
  • the nation
  • the federation
  • the club
can be activated. The logo will be displayed left of the current points.
If you choose a logo condition, the application checks, if all necessary icon files are present. If not, you get a summary of the missed data.

How to add a logo

The logos are read from files. Supported graphic formats are: PNG, PNM, BMP, XPM and JPG. The logo files are located in the sub-directory 'LOGOS' below the installation directory. The file name of the logos are calculated depending on the selected condition.
  1. Nation
    The logo file must be placed in the directory 'LOGOS/Nationen/'. The name of the file must be equal to the 3-letter nation-code (plus file type) of the competitor (e.g. 'GER.png').
    For the well known nations the logos are part of the installation.
  2. Federation
    The logo file must be placed in the directory 'LOGOS/Verband'. The name of the file must be equal to the federation (plus file type) of the competitor.
  3. Club
    The logo file must be placed in the directory 'LOGOS/Clubs'. The name of the file must be equal to the club (plus file type) of the competitor.

The dimension of the logo is automatically scaled (to the available space). Nevertheless the graphical file should have a dimension of about 200x300 pixel.

The file name is searched case sensitive (upper and lower case character).

The logo files are NOT distributed, you have to copy them to all scoreboard PCs.

How to adjust the dimension?

The dimension of the application window can be freely changed. You can also used 'full screen' mode to use the whole display.
The size of the characters are automatically re-scaled.

If you use an extendet desktop, you should move the application window to the desired display first.

The layout is optimized for a display aspect ration of 4:3. A extreme deviation may lead to problems e.g. unreadable or clipped text.

What happens during coffee break?

If the Chief activates the coffee break for the riding area, the scoreboard also changes it's contents. The configuration of the break mode is described here.

Default contents

As default the results of the already started competitors - current ranking list - together with the start list is displayed.
  • Startnumber in first column
    The discipline is not yet finished. For all not started competitors only the submitted points present.
  • Rank in the first column
    The discipline is finished. For all competitors are the submitted points and the result present.

If competitors of the same discipline starting at different areas, the rank will be calculated wrong, accept you uses 'results with factors'!

external application

If an external application is configured, this will be started at the beginning of the break. If the application terminates, the default contents will be displayed.

How to configure an external application?

You can configure nearly every application to run during the break. It must fulfill the following requirements:

All necessary configuration can be done in the following dialog. Don't forget to test!

Select the data (presentation, video) in the top row.

If there are applications associated to this file type (operating system adaptation) they will be automatically added to the second row.
Otherwise you can select the application with the  [Browse...] button!

In the last row all parameter, needed for the start of the application, can be entered. For wellknown applications these parameters are inserted automatically.

The value %DATEN% is the placeholder for the data. It will be replaced by the value of the top row.

After all input is done, please test your configuration. Press the 'try' button.
The application should start and does the right things.

Please wait 20 seconds until the application is stopped automatically! This is important to continue your competition after the break. (Otherwise the scoreboard won't appear)

Sometimes the application will be detected as terminated, even if it is still running.

This could have the following reasons:

  1. The selected application couldn't be started. In this case additional information should be displayed.
  2. The application starts and runs.
    In most of these cases, the application used an already running instance. So terminate every open window of the configured application and try again.

If the data (input for the application) is not a single file, but a directory, than:

Infoterminal (Infoterminal.exe)

The Infoterminal is an extended scoreboard. Here you can display all areas at the same time together with the current ranking list. The layout of the window can be adapted to nearly all use cases.

How to start the Infoterminal

Initially the infoterminal starts as displayed left.
The maximum 3 areas plus the current ranking list are displayed.

How you can change this, is described below.
The only necessary input is the selection of unique ID. This ID is necessary, because up to three infoterminals can run in parallel in your network.

The connection can be changed by the context menu 'Connect'.

Command line parameter

The following command line parameter are available:

Which properties can I change?

In contrast to the other applications the scoreboard does not have a menubar. Therefore the following menu pops up if you click with the right mouse button on the window.

You have the possibility to:
  • adapt the content of window area
  • switch between full-screen and window mode
  • change the unique ID (connect)
  • configure to style (see scoreboard)
  • configure an additional logo
  • configure the displayed points
  • switch the Liveticker on/off
  • check the Iinternet connection
The menu entry 'Content' allow the assign a specific content to every window area. The content will be assigned to the area, where you opened the menu.
  • 'judgement' assigns a duplicate of the scoreboard to the area. You can choose between all areas. So you can adjust the layout to local conditions.
  • 'ranking list' assigns the current ranking list. You can choose between the whole results or the results of a single area.

If competitors of the same discipline starting at different areas, the rank will be calculated wrong, accept you uses 'results with factors'!
Changing the layout offers nearly all possibilities.

Moving the area borders (see picture left) allow to grow or shrink a part between whole display until zero. So you can hide a part or create a duplicate of the scoreboard.

All changes to the layout, content and coloring are stored persistent for the next start.

How to adjust the dimension?

The dimension of the application window can be freely changed. You can also used 'full screen' mode to use the whole display.
The size of the characters are automatically re-scaled.

What happens during coffee break?

Currently only 'break' is displayed. Other ideas are very welcome!

How does the Liveticker works?

The liveticker is so to say the extension of the infoterminal into the internet.
Therefore the
  • scoreboard
  • current ranking list

are available world wide.

The overview of all currently provided live results can be found at: http://liveticker.hallenrad.de. You can select the dedicated competition.

The data will be update every 30 seconds.

At startup of the liveticker you need to enter your competition and a password.
This ensure that:
  • multiple competitions won't interference each other
  • no one unauthorized updates your competition

Please wait until the response of your connection request!

If you are using the organizing office and the office already changes to 'execution' the competition is automatically filled in.

In case of any problem with the internet connection, the liveticker will be stopped. A error message will popup at the organizing office.
So you can use the infoterminal as 'normal' display, or place it far away to ensure the best receiving condition for the mobile connection.

Internet connection

In many sports halls nowadays free Wifi is available. Alternatively a Surfstick or a Hotspot of a mobile phone can be used.

For a whole competition round about 50MB of data will be transmitted to  the liveticker.

Necessary network configuration

To provide the liveticker, a connection to the competition LAN is necessary, as well as a connection to the internet. Therefore the PC must have two physical network interfaces.
Most of the Laptops have a wired as well as an wireless network interface. So this should not be a problem.

The menu entry 'check internet' give the information about the current settings.

If not all conditions are fulfilled, please follow the description below.

1) Check, if there are two active network connections

If this is not the case, please check the cable, the Wifi password and disable the flight mode.

2) check the settings of the network connections
competition internet

If not both conditions are fulfilled, the liveticker won't work correctly, because the internet is not or not stable reachable.

Correction of the network settings

In most of all case the problem is based on the presence of default router and/or an DNS on the competition network.

Try to disable these information - there shall only be a IP-address at the competition interface.
If this is not possible, use a manual configuration.

manual configuration

If you don't use automatic configuration, or you won't effect the other PCs, you can use manual configuration for the dedicated PC and interface.

In case of manual configuration, you has to ensure a unique IP address.

So do it this way:
  1. find out the current automatically configured IPv4 address e.g.
  2. subtract 40 from the last digit
    e.g.:   -40 ==>
  3. assign this manually to the interface.
  4. Check, if any IPv6 configuration is present. If so, use also manual configuration and remove the values.
How you can check and change the network settings, is described HERE in the operation system depending part.

At the homepage it can be found at 'documentation' - 'Tips zu Linux' or. 'Tips zu Windows'.

Tips und Tricks

How to connect organizing office and chief?

If you are using the Manny-Qt organizing office application, the connection done automatically. You only need to assign the right area during startup. Possible problems and solutions are shown here.

If you are using alternative software (like the application from Petr Švejda) the information are exchanged by the subfolder 'Wertungen' below the Manny installation directory.
In this case you have to share the mentioned folder at the Chief-PC and to bind it to the office PC.

What may happen during 'connect'

During  'connect' the application tries to establish a network connection.  In doing so, the following problems may occur.

error message meaning solution
The needed connection is already in use.

It seems the same application is already running on this PC!
Most of the Manny applications can only run once at one PC.

In some very seldom cases an other application uses the same network settings like Manny.
Cancel the connect, search the other instance of the application.

duplicated Application

The same application is already running on the PC named

There is the same type of Manny application already running with the same parameters of 'connect'. Check the parameter (area, jury) on both working positions and correct them.

The PC with IP-address ' xx.xx.xx.xx' has also the name 'name'!
This is dangerous, because duplicated applications couldn't be detected!

Please rename one of the PC's!

Manny uses the hostname to  differentiate the PCs. Therefore the hostnames must be different.

After network problems this maybe a false detection.
Rename one of the PCs, as described in Tips und Tricks.
No data from the external network interface!
Either there is a firewall active or the network was disconnected!
Please check the network and start the application afterwards!
All Manny applications monitors the netwerk. If there are no messages received from outside, they assume a firewall.

This message occurs also under the following conditions:
  • the network cable was disconnected
  • the network switch was power off
  • the WLAN was deactived/activate
  • under Windows, if dialogs are opened for a long time.
In these cases it is a false alarm.
check and deactivate the firewall, or allow the application to use the network
software conflict!

There are running the following incompatible software versions:
The applications at the mentioned PCs have incompatible software versions running.
The communication is impossible!
Always install the same software version on all machines!

How to reduce the amount of needed PCs?

omit the scoreboard PC

Most of the modern PCs and Laptops allow to connect additional Displays. This allows an extended Desktop.
Such a setup allows to run the writer- and the scoreboard application at one and the same PC. Simply move the scoreboard to the extended display.

As disadvantage of this solution the scoreboard data projector + silver screen must be near by the writer PC.
The picture below illustrates this setup.

minimal configuration

In case of very small competitions like a club internal championship (or for verification of the software) it is possible to run multiple applications on the same PC. 
The picture below shows a minimal setup with two PCs for one riding area.

The chief application is mainly responsible for the selection of the competitor and to start the stopwatch. During the judgement no action is necessary.
Based on this the Writer can also run at this PC, because the write is only active during judgement.

You simply need to switch between the applications.

Additionally the scoreboard can be connected, using the 'extended Desktop' and a data projector.

The organizing office is only needed for the preparation and to distribute the data at the beginning of the competition. So it can run on the same PC as the Writer application.

How to use voice as audible indicator?

Alternative to the Beep, voice can be used as audible indicator.
The chief application searches for a file 'n.wav' in the subdirectory 'WAVE'. where 'n' is the minute as a number. If this file exists, it will be replayed, when the minute changes.
You can record your own files and place it there.




  1. All evaluation sheets present?
  2. All evaluation sheet imported (organizing office or Chief)?
  3. start list prepared?
  4. application software up-to-date at all PCs?
  5. printer Ok (toner, paper) and available from organizing office and Chief?


  1. All PCs placed at the right position - but still powered off?
  2. enough distance between the judging groups?
  3. scoreboard good visible from the audience?
  4. power and network connected (even data projector and switches)?
  5. enough distance (>50cm) from the riding area?
  6. cable taped?
  7. network components switched on? (Switches + DHCP-Server + WLAN)


  1. power on all PCs
    - login and check network (use NetMon in case of problems)
    - for borrowed PCs check properties (see Checklist)
  2. start Writer application (Kampfrichter.exe) at the writer PCs
    - select new competition
    - delete all existing data (if present)
    - configure keyboard layout as required by the writer
  3. start Chief application (Obmann.exe)  at the chief PCs
    - select new competition
    - delete old existing data (if present)
    - configure audible indicator (on/off/voice) and keyboard layout as required by the chief
    If no organizing office is used:
    - enter the competition data
    - import all evaluation sheets (if not done afore)
  4. start organizing office application (Buero.exe)
    - change to the execution screen
    - observe the connection to the chief application(s) (flashing yellow/green until green)
    - wait until all connections are green
  5. check the reception of the sheets
    - spot check the evaluation sheets at the chief applications.
    - select the first competitor
    - open the dialog to enter the jury names
  6. power on the data projector
  7. start the Scoreboard application (Anzeige.exe or Infoterm.exe)
    - check the reception of the first competitor
    - adjust the window (fullscreen)
    If the scoreboard application is running on a judging PC, switch the focus back to the judging application!

Overview of used PC's

Name Function IP-Adresse
                         Organizing Office                                
  Chief area 1  
  Writer 1 area 1  
  Writer 2 area 1  
  Writer 3 area 1  
  Scoreboard area 1  
  Chief area 2  
  Writer 1 area 2  
  Writer 2 area 2  
  Writer 3 area 2  
  Scoreboard area 2  
  Chief area 3  
  Writer 1 area 3  
  Writer 2 area 3  
  Writer 3 area 3  
  Scoreboard area 3  

Usage of borrowed PC's

Sometimes you may have a special competition and you need additional PCs for this. It is very simple to configure borrowed PCs to be used.
The table below shows all system values of importance. Please check, if any value conflicts with those of your PCs. Change the values only if necessary!

Most of the private home used PCs/laptops using automatic network configuration. So you should integrate a DHCP-server into you network. So no network setup/configuration is required for the borrowed PCs.
I myself use a old DSL router for this.

The DHCP should be configured as follows:

Please restore the changed settings after the competition!

borrowed from Properties used as
        original       changed       
(static address/DHCP)
(static address/DHCP)
Printer ---  
Screensaver   OFF
virus-scanning software   OFF
Firewall   OFF
Password   please don't touch
        original       changed 
(static address/DHCP)
(static address/DHCP)
Printer ---  
Screensaver   OFF
virus-scanning software   OFF
Firewall   OFF
Password   please don't touch